
How To Make Headphones Fit Small Head

Welcome! Are you tired of your headphones slipping off your small head? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. In this guide, I’ll show you how to make headphones fit snugly and comfortably on smaller heads. Having a small head shouldn’t limit your music experience. So, if you find that your headphones are a bit too loose or uncomfortable, I’ve got some fantastic tips and tricks to help you out. Whether you’re a music lover, gamer, or podcast enthusiast, this guide is for you. So, let’s dive in and discover how to make your headphones fit like a dream on your small head!

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Make Headphones Fit Small Head

  1. Loosen the headband adjustment to its maximum length.
  2. Add padding to the headband using foam or fabric to reduce the gap.
  3. Create a better fit by adding extra padding to the ear cups.
  4. Use adjustable headbands or clips to secure the headphones on a smaller head.
  5. Consider purchasing headphones specifically designed for smaller heads.

By following these steps, you can ensure a comfortable and snug fit for your headphones on a small head.

How to Make Headphones Fit a Small Head: Tips and Tricks

When it comes to headphones, comfort is key. But for those with smaller heads, finding a pair that fits properly can be a challenge. In this article, we will explore various solutions and techniques to help you make headphones fit a small head. From adjusting the headband to using additional padding, we’ve got you covered. Read on to discover how you can enjoy your music without compromising on comfort.

Adjusting the Headband

The headband is a crucial factor in ensuring a snug fit for headphones. Most headphones come with adjustable headbands that can be extended or tightened. To make headphones fit a small head, start by adjusting the headband to its smallest setting. Place the headphones on your head and slide the headband to a comfortable position. Avoid overtightening, as this can cause discomfort or strain.

If your headphones have a metal or plastic frame, you can also bend the headband slightly inward to reduce its overall width. Be careful not to apply too much force and risk damaging the headphones. This method can help customize the fit for smaller head sizes.

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Another option is to look for headphones with a flexible or more narrow headband. Some manufacturers offer models specifically designed for smaller heads, which may provide a better fit without the need for adjustments.

Using Extra Padding

If you find that adjusting the headband alone is not sufficient, adding extra padding can help improve the fit and overall comfort of the headphones. One option is to use foam or fabric cushions that fit over the existing padding. These can be found in stores or online, and they come in various sizes and thicknesses.

To attach the extra padding, remove the existing cushions from the headphones (if possible) and slip the additional cushions over the top. The extra padding can help reduce the gap between the headphones and your ears, providing a more secure and snug fit.

Alternatively, you can also use self-adhesive foam or fabric strips to add extra padding directly to the headband. This method allows you to customize the amount of padding based on your comfort preferences and the size of your head.

Using a Headphone Band

If you prefer a more DIY approach, you can create a headphone band to help make headphones fit a small head. This method involves using a stretchy or adjustable headband or bandana to secure the headphones in place.

Start by placing the headphones on your head as usual, and adjusting the headband to its smallest setting. Then, take the stretchy headband or bandana and position it over the headphones, securing it in place. This additional band provides an extra layer of support that helps keep the headphones in place without slipping or sliding off.

Make sure the band is not too tight and does not cause any discomfort. Experiment with different materials and widths until you find the most suitable option for your specific needs.

Benefits of a Properly Fitting Headphone

A properly fitting headphone offers several benefits beyond just comfort. It ensures optimal sound quality by creating a tighter seal around your ears, which minimizes sound leakage and enhances bass response. Additionally, a good fit reduces ambient noise and distractions, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in your audio experience.

By taking the time to adjust and customize your headphones, you can enjoy your favourite music, podcasts, or movies with optimal comfort and sound quality. Don’t let a small head hold you back from an exceptional audio experience. With these tips and tricks, you can make any headphones fit your unique needs and head size.


When it comes to making headphones fit a small head, it’s all about finding the right adjustments and additional padding that work for you. Whether it’s tweaking the headband, adding extra cushioning, or using a headphone band, there are various options available to achieve a snug and comfortable fit. Remember, the key is to prioritize your comfort and create a seal that enhances your audio experience. So don’t let a small head stop you from enjoying your favourite music and content to the fullest.

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Key Takeaways: How to Make Headphones Fit a Small Head

  • Adjust the headband to the smallest setting for a snug fit.
  • Use padding or foam inserts to reduce the size of the ear cups.
  • Tie a knot or use a clip to hold together excess headband length.
  • Consider purchasing headphones specifically designed for smaller heads.
  • Experiment with different headphone styles to find the best fit for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you struggling to find headphones that comfortably fit your small head? Look no further! We’ve got you covered. Here are some common questions about how to make headphones fit a small head, and expert answers to help you out.

1. What can I do if the headphones are too loose and keep slipping off my small head?

If your headphones are too loose for your small head, there are a few solutions you can try. First, check if your headphones have an adjustable headband. You can usually adjust the size by sliding the headband in or out. Find the right fit for your head size and tighten it accordingly. If the headband doesn’t have adjustable features, you can consider using a headband cushion or padding to add extra grip and prevent slippage. Another option is to look for headphones specifically designed for smaller heads, as they may have a better fit right out of the box.

Additionally, you can try using an elastic or clip to hold the headphones closer to your head. This can help keep them in place and prevent them from slipping off. Explore different methods and find what works best for you!

2. My ears hurt after wearing headphones for a while because they are too tight. What should I do?

If your headphones are causing discomfort and pain to your ears due to being too tight, there are a few steps you can take to alleviate the issue. Firstly, check if your headphones have adjustable ear cups. You can usually rotate or extend the cups to find a more comfortable position for your ears. Adjust them to reduce the pressure and ensure a snug, but not too tight, fit.

If your headphones don’t have adjustable ear cups, you can try using cushioning or padding to create a softer surface between the headphones and your ears. Look for foam or gel pads that attach to your headphones’ ear cups. These can help distribute the pressure and provide extra comfort. It’s also important to take regular breaks from wearing headphones to prevent prolonged discomfort. Give your ears a rest to avoid any pain or soreness.

3. How can I make the ear cups of my headphones smaller to fit my small ears?

If the ear cups of your headphones are too large for your small ears, there are a few hacks you can try. One option is to use foam or cloth padding to fill the extra space inside the ear cups. Cut small pieces of foam or cloth and place them strategically to reduce the gap between your ears and the ear cups. This will create a snugger fit and prevent your ears from sliding around.

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Alternatively, you can look for headphones with swappable ear cushions. Some models come with different-sized ear cushions that you can switch out to find a better fit. Experiment with different sizes until you find the one that works best for your small ears. Remember, it’s crucial to prioritize comfort to enjoy your listening experience fully.

4. Is there anything I can do to prevent headphones with large ear cups from pressing on my temples?

If your headphones have large ear cups that press on your temples, causing discomfort, there are a few measures you can take. First, adjust the positioning of the headphones on your head to find the most comfortable spot. Sometimes, a slight shift in placement can alleviate the pressure on your temples.

Another option is to use padding on the areas where the ear cups make contact with your temples. You can add cloth or foam padding to create a barrier between the headphones and your temples, reducing the discomfort. Additionally, exploring headphones with smaller ear cups or a different design may be beneficial. Look for options specifically designed for smaller heads, as they tend to have a more ergonomic fit and reduce pressure on various areas.

5. What are some headphone brands or models known for their good fit for small heads?

When searching for headphones that are suitable for small heads, consider the following brands and models known for their good fit:

– Sony WH-1000XM3: These headphones have adjustable headbands that can accommodate even the smallest heads. They also provide excellent sound quality.

– Bose QuietComfort 35 II: Known for their comfort, these headphones have ear cups that adjust to fit various head sizes, including small heads. The noise-cancelling feature is an added bonus.

– JBL E55BT: These on-ear headphones have a compact design that fits small heads comfortably. They’re known for their stylish look and good audio quality.

– Sennheiser HD 660 S: These open-back headphones have a flexible headband and adjustable ear cups, making them a great choice for small heads. Their sound reproduction is top-notch.

Remember, everyone’s head size and shape vary, so it’s essential to try on different headphones and find the ones that suit you best.


Sometimes, finding headphones that fit properly can be a challenge, especially for people with small heads. But don’t worry, there are a few simple tricks you can try to make your headphones more comfortable to wear. First, adjust the headband to the smallest setting so it sits snugly on your head. You can also use foam or padding to fill in any gaps between your head and the headphones. Another option is to look for headphones specifically designed for smaller heads. Remember, finding the right fit is important for both comfort and optimal sound quality. Additionally, if the ear cups are too big, you can use additional padding or cushions to make them fit better. You can even try using headband covers or clips to keep the headphones secure. Lastly, remember to take breaks and adjust the headphones if they start to feel uncomfortable. With a little bit of experimentation and these helpful tips, you’ll be able to enjoy your favourite music or videos with headphones that fit properly and comfortably on your small head.

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